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Today was haircut day. I did both Ethan and Avery. Tomorrow is Ethan’s first day back to school.  Everyone looks spiffy….except me. I had to postpone my hair appointment due to stupid covid. The last time I had a cut and color was November 9 th. I have a nice crown of grey roots working. 

My 10 days for covid is up in 3 hours and some change. I made sure to avoid people for 10 days instead of 5 just because. My chin hurts from the constant mask wearing. I am ready to give Avery a big hug tomorrow. I have stayed away from her since she has been home.

We did play The Office trivia game today. It was really fun. Ethan didn’t play but was still in the room for the questions and it was nice to spend time with them both. This was my brightest side today. Plus I learned some new Office facts. 

Paul was snowmobiling for most of the day. He was in his glory.

Tomorrow, as I have grandiose plans of dropping a letter off at the post office (the outside mailbox) and going to the bank. I have put the bank off since before we went to NYC.

We leave Tuesday afternoon for NYC. Our appointment is at 8:30 on Wednesday. But they may decided to do an ultrasound of Ethan’s kidney. They scheduled it just in case….but the soonest appointment was at 11:30. Ugh! This will put us on the road later….which I hate because I have a history of falling asleep while driving if it’s the slightest bit dark out. I also don’t enjoy driving. Oh well. 


  1. After this dumb COVID, I hope you can get in your grooming appointment 😉 you more than deserve a good self care day. Safe travels tomorrow and on the way back.

  2. Safe travel on Tuesday and Wednesday.

  3. "On the road again.... oh, just can't wait to be on the road again"... NOT! Remember that song? It's playing in my head. Sorry you have to drive back to NYC. Not ideal. You must be so over those trips. I'm glad your 10 days is over. That's great news. Go out in the world, my friend. In theory, you should be safe from getting Covid again for at least a few months! That's got to feel good. I am amazed that Ethan and Paul didn't get it. That's should give us all great hope. xoxo


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