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🐿 1/24/22

 Today was full of getting things done. I crossed many tasks and chores off my list. I also went on a very chilly walk in our field, looking at all the animal tracks and trying to guess what made them. There were small, medium and large tracks. The crisp frigid air just about froze my eyeballs open.

Ethan had his first day back to MCC. He didn’t really talk much about it which is good I suppose.

Tomorrow we leave for NYC. I am picking Ethan up from school and away we go. I know Ethan just wants to get it over with. It should be easy. Just a check up. It will be the shortest part of the entire trip.

Luckily Ethan is feeling good. He looks like he has put on weight. Now that everything works…his body is thriving.

I dealt with the 8, YES….EIGHT! Letters from the collection agency that the insurance company is still trying to sort out. I was feverishly emailing my contact lady at the insurance company. They are bills we don’t owe in….they were just not paid correctly because of a combination of factors.

I was surprised they didn’t put them all in the same envelope. They used 8 envelopes and 8 stamps. This can’t be cost effective for them or the environment.

My bright side today was that when I was buying more bird seed, I saw a squirrel feeder. It is set up to have bar stools so the squirrels can sit on it, with the word “Saloon” at the top. It’s a squirrel bar. I knew it was meant for our yard. I can’t wait to put it right outside so I can see the silly squirrels sit on their pub stools.


  1. 🐿️🐿️ can't wait to hear about and see those little buggers having some seeds at the saloon! Safe travels to NYC and back. ❤️

  2. It's going to get a little wild over at the saloon at happy hour!


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