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We have been keeping an eye on the weather this week. I reached out to the transplant team because it seemed like we would have to drive in some crappy weather for the biopsy. They were also aware that Friday is his birthday and it was very important to us to do nothing medical on this day, including traveling.

Ethan’s lab work from over the weekend had improved a little bit. I asked if we could either do the biopsy Tuesday or Wednesday before the craziness of the storm. With his bloodwork, his transplant doctor decided it was ok to push the biopsy off until next week. She really does care about him and I do like how well they work with us.

We are waiting to hear about a date for next week. This change in plan also changes Ethan’s anti coagulation plan as well as reschedule the covid test. I spoke with the hematology office to get the plan.

I had an appointment to have my IUD put back in today. Wow! I forgot how uncomfortable that process is. I had some intense cramping as I got myself dressed. I thought I was going to pass out for a minute. It doesn’t help that I have low blood pressure so that wasn’t helpful. I was cramping the entire way home. They told me to take ibuprofen but I can’t due to my uni-kidney. Sad face. I have to keep my lonely bean protected.

When I got home, I laid right down and had Avery get me the Tylenol (like that is going to help), a heating pad and pajama pants. Ferguson helped by offering moral support. He was sitting right near me offering me “feel better” kisses with his stinky, chihuahua breath. I may have shared a couple crackers with him too. Because sharing is caring.

Avery also offered me empathy and watched TV with me. I tried to share crackers with her too. She politely declined. She didn’t give me kisses with her stinky breath though. It’s ok. I forgive her.

I felt sorry for myself for the rest of the day.

Also, the bright spot of my day: I have some pretty rockstar people in corporate (the new company that owns the vet hospital) that recognized it sucked I didn’t qualify for disability due to a technicality. So they went to battle for me and found a way around it. I am still going to collect. This is amazing AND I have restored faith that this company really takes care of its employees. This is a big day indeed.


  1. ❤️❤️ wins - Ethan home for his birthday, guaranteed! and another step back to normal for you, with the IUD back in (pain will subside soon!), cuddling on the couch w Avery and Ferg. I'm relieved you aren't going to travel with the potential for a big storm in your way, too. Lots of self care! You deserve it - and more!
    Yay to the new company being a champion for you, too!

  2. I'm glad you're not driving in the storm and all I can say about your disability pay is Wow! I am impressed.
    Hope you feel better soon 💛❤💛❤💛

  3. Some real wins this week, except for your poor body. It hates you right now and I hope it eases up on you. I'm glad Ethan will spend his b-day at home! Big win on that front. Hang in there! xoxo

  4. Yay, Ethan’s home on his birthday!! It is wonderful how much all his doctors care about him. Some docs might not consider how much spending a birthday at home, in peace, means to someone.

    Besides your pain from the iud this post has so many positives and all about caring. That is awesome the new employer went to bat for you. Glad you are getting your deserved disability. hoping your feeling better,

    I just love how Ferguson is trying to make you feel better…such a sweet picture. What would we do without our doggies...and sweet Avery. We can do without their awful breathe. LOL!! Hope you feel better! ❤️🙏

  5. That puppy missed you so much! Really nice of the new corporate.


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