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Today we had to be at the hospital at 10:30 for covid testing. They made us stand in a social distancing line until 10:50. Then they had us go in, like cattle, and sit down at our “private” booths respectively.

Our nurse was nice and up beat. Ethan got his test and back home we went. We were gone about 45 minutes total. 

We then went to the grocery store around the corner. The stores are so small. The aisles are so narrow. They were stocking the shelves which takes up even more room with all the boxes. 

We went to stand in line for the cashier. There was only one cashier and we were 10 people back. Ugh. We stayed way far away from the guy in front of us. The lady behind us was practically touching us. What the hell????

We walked back and it was sunny out. The sun felt good.

Our upstairs neighbors are super loud when they walk. We call them the “Boom Babas”. We don’t really know what they look like but we have deducted by the sounds they make when they walk, that they are extremely obese. They also LOVE walking back and forth in their house. They are also clumsy and drop things often. 

They may sound like terrible neighbors but they really aren’t too bad. They occasionally play music and we can hear their muffled voices. They stomp around but mostly only during the daytime and are respectful at night. So for that, we are thankful.

We did more of our usual….cleaning, homework, laundry.  We later turned on the show we are binge watching. We watched a couple episodes and that was our day. Not exciting. But the bright side was literally the sun today. It was nice to see it shining on us.


  1. Yay for sunshine! You're doing this, getting closer to going home. And at least you don't have to do dialysis. I'm sorry this whole ordeal is lasting soooooo long. 💛❤💛❤💛


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