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Today was good. I finally called a chiropractor for my back as well as the spine center. So looking forward to that feeling better.

Ethan seems to be working on trying to be more talkative and helpful around the house so that is also a bonus. 

We had his nephrology appointment this evening. His doctor is pleased at what his creatinine is almost back to normal. We will be going to NYC next Tuesday for his appointment on Wednesday.

He has to start taking vitamin D again as well as his anti viral. Hopefully it doesn’t cause morphological changes on his bloodwork. His doctor is pleased with his progress.

I spent some time in Avery’s room. She likes to have company while trying to do her homework. She sometimes asks for help, but I don’t excel at that type of stuff. I jokingly will come up with an answer that is so far fetched. I then tell her to convince her teacher that my answer is correct.

I mostly rested my back today. It would be nice if I could take an NSAID, but I chose to trade in that luxury when I gave up my kidney. The dogs help me by stepping all over me, making cute faces and then cuddling for a nap. 


  1. lots of little wins today, yay!
    rest up your back and I hope the chiro appts help ASAP
    have a fantastic and relaxing weekend❤️🙂

  2. Here's to another good day ahead! xoxo


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