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 We made it to New Jersey by around 4:30, which was good. It was sunny and dry the entire way and the drive seemed to go quick. Once Ethan arrived, he had to call the insurance company and report the claim on the jeep. Luckily, the insurance company was helpful and we can move past the accident. 

We then prepared to go to dinner with some special people. Prior to leaving, I skipped on down to the starbucks to pick up some sugar cookie syrup for Kristen. They didn’t have it available for purchase. I am sorry Kristen, I tried. 😢

We made our way to the restaurant, as we crossed the George Washington Bridge. The skyline was lit up with the buildings twinkling and standing tall and confident.

We got to see and visit with a few of our 9 Tower friends and hear about how things have changed. Also, I like Ethan’s nurses to see how far he has come. Many of them have left 9Tower but I love that they have a special place in their heart for us during the hardest and traumatic time of our lives.

We share laughs, stories and caught up with one another’s lives. We all had fun.

We went back to the hotel and got ready for bed. Tomorrow will be a full day.


  1. 🌆 a lovely sight and symbolizes how tall and confident you have all faced this challenge! Friends therapy is amazing, too - I'm so happy you got to visit your Tower 9 Friends - give you strength to face the busy day ahead. Thank you for reminding everyone of the bright spots and using the time in NYC for more than just appointments ❤️🙂

  2. Glad you had a good trip over there! Hope today is a good day too. xoxo


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