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Time helps sort things out. Our family has been a little bit of a disaster. Ethan opened up to me a little this morning but we had to cut it short and it was never resolved. Tomorrow is my day with him. He has his lab work in the morning. 

I met with my counselor. We discussed social maturity and ways to help Ethan practice his social skills. 

When I talked to Ethan about trying to work on his social skills he was perceptive to the idea. He did say he has realized that and is going to actively try to work on it.

She also was saying that men tend to manifest their emotions differently than women. But mostly I am talking to her to see how I can improve my communication skills and how it relates to mediating family situations since Ethan is not willing to go to counseling.

My goals are to label emotions that may present themselves and try to take a step back and see where they are coming from. A place of fear? Anxiety? Depression? It seems so silly. But I am going to do it because I am hopeful it will make me a more effective communicator for all facets of life. We will see. I am hopeful. 

Paul and I had a date tonight. We were able to chat with just our ears and opinions present. 

My back is screwed up to the point where my right leg is now longer than my left leg. I am having some tight hip muscles. Stretching and the massage pad have been my best friends. I am walking like a “question mark”. I have had back issues forever….this is just another stupid bump in the road.

I had many bright spots today from the dogs being complete dip sticks, to the big, fat snowflakes slowly falling from the sky. 


  1. I'm so sorry about your back. I hope you get relief from this soon. As for the intensity at home, repeat this over and over.... this will pass, this will pass, this will pass. You are very wise about time. Be kind to yourself. It's going to take some time to settle back in..... Big hugs my friend.

  2. Always the bright spots with you! THANK YOU~


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