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 I had the day off today. It was a true day off. I didn’t make any medical phone calls. I didn’t have to do any paperwork for the state. I didn’t have to submit receipts. I didn’t have to drive to any pharmacies and fight for Ethan’s medications. I didn’t go to any appointments (because I forgot I had one and just never went). 

We had our new bed delivered. Our old bed was purchased about a month before Ethan was born. As you age, life becomes more exciting with purchases like a new bed, new toilet or new roof. 

Avery practiced driving today. She took me to two grocery stores and then we went across town and came back during rush hour traffic. She also practiced driving at night in the fog.

Ethan worked all day today and says it was a good day. He is excited to work on his car tomorrow. The weather is getting nicer and he isn’t freezing to death in the garage.

The sun was out. The flowers are starting to bloom. I didn’t have to give Ethan dialysis….it was a really good day.


  1. what a lovely day - I hope St. Patrick's Day is as lovely today, too.
    ☘️ if it's too foggy here, I will be visiting - we didn't have much sun up by the big lake

  2. Yeah for a really good day! I see LOTS more of these in your future. And yes.... it's funny how updating everyday house stuff makes you giddy. A new bed is the absolute best! xoxo


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