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We had two successful pee pees outside with Paul. Ha ha, just kidding, with Jiminy. Little dude is learning what stairs, grass and baths are.

The picture is because I think he is so darn cute with his fat head and rotten eye.

Ethan and I arrived in NYC with a beautiful day to drive. The traffic was minimal. Ethan gets quiet and down on these trips. He gets stressed walking into the hospital. The smell. The sounds. The familiar pleasant faces at the front desk. The not so friendly face at the front desk.  There is one person that never fails to be miserable every time we go. With a face like a bulldog, and an attitude of a chihuahua, this person is one person we try to avoid. 

Hopefully they will do both butt injections at the same time like last time. Ethan had to drop his pants and bend over sticking his bare butt out the last time. So embarrassing. It will keep him safe. I just feel bad that he has to sit on his sore butt cheeks….for 6 hours.

In preparing for a stressful day tomorrow, out of all the channels the hotel has to offer, Ethan chose The Office. Always a good choice. We laughed at the hilarity of Michael Scott. Still is a favorite.


  1. My goodness is that dog cute. Truly. What a sweet heart! Oh, I hope today goes better than expected. I can only imagine how stressful it must be for Ethan to walk back into that hospital environment and nobody likes getting shots. Nobody. Sending lots of great vibes to get you both thru this day. xoxo


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