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Fridays I am scheduled to go into work a few hours later than normal. Today I had to be there at 8. This allowed me to have my coffee with Avery and find out all the stuff she has been up, what her thoughts are and what she is thinking about. I really enjoy it.

This morning she was thinking about names to suggest to her teacher for his baby daughter. Her teacher just found out his wife is having a baby girl. We were spitting out cute names as well as hideous names and just being silly. I love these moments.

After work I had to go to a podiatrist appointment. This is a sure sign of aging. No one ever sounds cool when they have to decline an invitation because they need to go to the podiatrist. I walked away with this super cool bunion sling that I am supposed to wear at night. I mean, how lucky is Paul? I could really make this marriage last another 23 years if I parade around in nothing but my bunion sling. What a lucky guy.

Ethan has been successfully doing his full time college and Patti me working gig for a couple of weeks. He seems to be feeling well enough to pull it off and still have time to help a little around the house and relax. I think getting him out of the house has been so good for his mental state. Plus earning your own money is empowering.

Paul went snowmobiling until tomorrow night. He is in his glory. 

I have felt tired this week. Today I had a bit of a headache and wasn’t feeling so hot. The nephrologist wasn’t kidding about making sure I drink enough. Man I slack off a little bit and whamo! I feel like crap.  I drank a ton this afternoon and will probably have to get up 17 times to go to the bathroom tonight. Hey… least I can use my OWN bathroom. Bright spot!
