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 Life is better with a dog….or a cat….or any sort of animal. At lunch, I came home to walk all the dogs. The sun was warming and cheerful. The dogs happily sniffed, chased things, walked around and enjoyed nature. Poor dumb Penny was eating birdseed. She is going to crap out a sunflower if she keeps this up.

If it weren’t for the dogs, I would have missed all the bees pollinating my flowers. Good ol’ honeybees. I would have missed the frogs singing in our pond, loudly I might add. I would have missed the fact that my hyacinths are coming up and getting their color. 

After work, Avery and I took the dogs for a walk. Jiminy will likely never be a leash dog. He was horrified at that process. He liked the satchel I got for him. He also got to follow along behind us on a less busy road. He doesn’t stray. He is a follower, not a leader.

Ethan worked on his car and homework today. He was pissed when I told him about going to NYC in 2 weeks. Tomorrow I get to fight with Medicaid as they are denying our claim for travel reimbursement. Any guesses on how long that call will take? I am dreading it already.

Jiminy has his eye on you.


  1. 👁️ I spy with my little eye... Jiminy! He is so adorable! Dogs and nature are wonderful things. I wish you the best with dealing with Medicaid. It is ridiculous how difficult insurance has to be.

  2. Get your boxing gloves on and get ready to knock out Medicaid. You've been TRAINING like Rocky for this moment. They have NO idea who they are up against. Cue up the theme music and get ready for a few rounds. You will triumph and win the belt.... I have no doubt. xoxo


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