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I am not a perfect mom. I don’t make dinner every night. We don’t sit around a table and have dinner together. What I can celebrate is that at least we can have healthy food to eat in a hurry. All 4 of us get home at different times and are hungry at different times.

I did food prep today. I stocked the freezer with lots of different options for us to eat “on the go”. I get accomplished.

Avery is still on the prowl for junior prom shoes. She wants red and strappy. After visiting several stores, we had to resort to online shopping.

We got some free tulip trees and red maple trees compliments of Sierra Club. I spent some time planting them, watering them and telling them home pretty they are.

Ethan worked on his car a little bit. Paul mostly put up with me heckling him.

Good night.


  1. That is all very impressive! I hope your Sunday is delightful.

  2. Super impressive! During the work week, trying to figure out dinner each night can often put me in a grumpy mood. Cheers to you for prepping all of this. I need to learn a page out of your book for sure. Tacos or frozen/take out pizza happens all too frequently in my house. Not good for the waistline, but delicious and fast. xoxo


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