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I took the advise of my wise friend, Melissa. Today I looked forward to my walk around the yard to assess my perennial flower growth over the past day. I like to do this with 4 dogs with me and sometimes Avery.

The daffodils are starting to get their yellow color. And will likely bloom within the next few days. I really like nature. I have often thought that with so many flowers and land, that we really should haves hive of honey bees. It would help the environment and that could be my way of giving back. Ahhhhh someday when I have the time to learn about how to care for them.

I am getting excited about the trip Avery and I are taking next Friday. We are going to explore the city of Savannah, Ga. we have never been there and hear it is beautiful. 

I feel like I missed a lot of time with Avery, that I will never reclaim. What I can do is enjoy her in the present moment and make memories with her now. We are doing a hop on, hop off bus tour to see the sights of the city. We have a paranormal ghost tour planned. We have some restaurants picked out to visit. 

It will be in the 70’s. Warm enough to sit out by the pool. Woo hoo! This will feel so fancy and relaxing.

My neurotic behavior of making lists of what to bring has officially started. I pulled the suitcase out in anticipation of starting to pack. I was going to do it the night before, but I made plans and need to plan ahead.

I got a call to schedule some follow up bloodwork for myself to make sure I am surviving ok after donating. They will check some kidney values, a urine sample and also a blood pressure. This happens when we go to NYC in a couple weeks. I am not really that worried. My bouts of feeling nauseous have subsided significantly. I only get like that if I haven’t been drinking enough.

Ethan arrived home about the same time that I did for my lunch break. He did a burnout in the driveway. He was happy.

All in all… was a great day.


  1. flowers, burnouts, and trip planning - all make for a great day! we learn in yoga to be mindful and grateful for little things. It sounds like you are doing all of that, even when it isn't easy and or minds go crazy rolling around with the anxieties, worries, regrets. You are all making such great strides. Love you! ❤️
    If you need a guide for your trip, a concierge, I'm totally available, by the way!😉

  2. Awww shucks..... I start my day reading and taking in YOUR wisdom, my friend. I am thrilled that you are going to Savannah with Avery. The natural beauty of that little city is unbelievable. I remember thinking this is one of the prettiest places I had ever been. I almost went to art school there. Things sounds so peaceful and calm on your end and this makes me so very happy. xoxo

  3. Savannah! on my bucket list~ make sure you give me all the details.


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