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Today I worked my 14 hour shift. It was a long day. My feet are throbbing. Only 5 more to go. 😊

I have found myself in a cloud of melancholy these past few days. As Ethan opens up bits here and there, the more perspective I gain about how much he is hurting. Sometimes it makes me hurt too. I mean, how do I fix my broken kid? 

He is finding less and less joy in things. I have always said to him, “find your joy.” It seems things that brought him joy a couple months ago, now longer stoke his fire. 

I read all your comments and appreciate each one. Thank you! Sometimes the brightest spot is knowing you aren’t alone.


  1. You are definitely not alone. I read every blog post. I'm happy for your successes (both you and Ethan) and feel bummed when there are stumbling blocks. I only wish there was something I could do to help, if only I had that magic wand!

  2. Truth my friend. I personally don't know how you do it. You are a bright spot!

  3. ❤️ You are too


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