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 Ethan worked on his car today. He is done with school for another week or so and then the summer semester will start.

We met via zoom with one of his nephrologists today. We went over all his medications and we will be making a plan very soon to start weaning off the Coumadin as well as a few more medications. We will at our 6 month post transplant on May 30 th.

I started trying to negotiate skipping a June in-person visit. I am hoping they say yes. My argument was that he has had no swelling in his legs, things have been stable and it interrupts his new school schedule. Even better, if we go in July, we can pair it with his heart catheterization, Ekg, echo and cardiology appointment. It will reduce the days he has to miss school. 

Phineas was a good boy today, he donated blood to help a fellow dog stay alive. The recipient of the transfusion was only 18#. I am hoping that little dog does well over night.  Phineas fell asleep towards the end of his blood collection. The picture is of me applying pressure to his vein to make sure he didn’t bleed afterward. He napped through it.

He was my bright spot today. He is a gentle giant. He has always watched over us so diligently. He has practically saved our lives by alerting us there were morning doves on our porch. He has towed us in the paddle boat as we were trying to have a sunset paddle boat ride and he has guarded and protected his favorite kind of humans, kids.


  1. What a good boy! Everyone knows you have to watch out for morning doves!

  2. SuperDog Phineas! He gets that quality from his "Mama" 🦹‍♀️

  3. Yeah Phineas! You are a hero. xoxo


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