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 After twenty two years of marriage, Paul continues to compliment me in ways I have never heard before. He speaks with elegance. As we were discussing how the other slept last night and how Phineas was hogging the bed, Paul busts out with “well I didn’t sleep well, you were rolling around in the bed like an animal that was shot but didn’t die.” Epic!

Today was a relaxing day. It was full of Taunting each other and enjoying each other’s company.

All the neighbors come together and help one another put the docks in. This is especially heartwarming due to our recent events in the news of horrific crimes. These are people that come together and help one another. 

The men put there waiters or swim trucks on and go into water that is approximately mid 50’s degrees, multiple times, until all the docks are put in.

Then tonight, some of the people that were helping, came and sat at our campfire as we laughed the night away. Paul was getting louder and louder….his hands had larger movements all as he had more to drink.

It was really fun to sit with people that we have met over the years.

Jiminy totally loves cuddling by the campfire. I swaddle him, flip him on his back, and he snuggles in and sleeps. There were many bright sides today.


  1. Happy Anniversary!!! I'm so glad you had a great camping weekend. The best! xoxo


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