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I was feeling out of sorts all day today. I had so much fun over the weekend and then had to be an adult again. Ugh! Two different collections calls today. I asked the lady if there was a way she could just copy and paste what I told her last week. She became rude very quickly. She told me she was taking my number off the account etc.  needless to say, I did NOT appreciate her.

However, Vince was lovely. He was polite, and I recognize his voice at this point. He was kind and helpful. 

Paul asked me if I wanted to sit outside with him and have a drink tonight. I was mentally just not feeling myself, and didn’t want to….at all. I wanted to climb into bed and not talk to anyone. But nonetheless, I agreed.

As we sat outside, he listened to my complaints. He validated them. Avery came out and joined us. The conversation moved away from the thousand reasons why my day sucked, and went into other things. We even started laughing. Then, Ethan joined us on the patio. He joined the conversation. He was even laughing and sharing his thoughts. While there was no specific topic, it is the first time in quite a while Ethan and Paul have shared the same space and co-existed. 

My crummy day had just transformed before my eyes and I am so grateful it did. 


  1. I guess the copy and paste suggestion of your your past conversations to these collectors didn't go over well...🤷‍♀️ how foolish to even suggest it?! LOL - I mean really; how difficult would it be for them to log it and they can spend 30 secs reading and reviewing it before cold calling AGAIN. Ugh! But... I give the finish to this day two hearts and two thumbs up! ❤️❤️👍👍

  2. So glad your crummy day ended well! xoxo


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