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We made it through Father’s Day. I think Paul’s Father’s Day was ok. I made him breakfast. Avery and I tried to buffer the blow that Ethan really isn’t communicating with him. It hurts Paul’s feelings. Both Paul and Ethan are guilty for this deteriorating relationship.

It’s hard to be the middle person. I can see both sides. I can see the flaws of each. They both come to me to vent, and I hear both sides. I try to stay as neutral as possible.

I feel like I shouldn’t have to play the middle man as both Paul and Ethan are in counseling. I get irritated over some of their repetitive arguments. Their counselors are trained to advise for these situations. I am not perfect, so I undoubtedly screw up with my wording, opinion or actions. It’s up to them to bring these things up at therapy to try to work on fixing them. 

Avery wrote a cute message in Paul’s card. She likes to tease Paul, but he also teases back. Avery got in some good driving practice today. Happy Father’s Day to all.
