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My friend, Carrie, and I explored the CCC/POW camp that is near Hamlin Beach State Park on Moscow Road, Hamlin, NY. It was a camp that opened in August 1935 and was instated by the Roosevelt administration to financially help those affected by the depression. They took young, strong men from needy families. These men could enlist for the CCC, if picked, they would get $1.00/ day, $25 per week sent to their families as well and room and board. In return, they were taught valuable skills. 

Sometime around 1944 this camp was modified and became a place that housed German prisoners of war.

We used a ghost hunting app called “GhostTube” to try to communicate with then (spirits) that uses your phones built in magnometer to detect fluctuations in magnetic and electro-magnetic energy. It takes the “energy” and converts it into words.

Sound hokey? Absolutely. I was trying to think of ways for it to be a hoax. Does it track your location and cater you experience to that? Nope. There isn’t even an option for locations. There are only a few apps that I actually allow to show my location.

Does it listen to what you are saying and give details that way? Could be, but the words being displayed were words we had not said.

It added excitement and awe to think about what went on at the camp, who was there and what could have occurred. 

There are no buildings left, only slabs, artifacts and placard’s with what things were, little details about them, and pictures of what it used to look like.

We went to the went to the old saw mill and received the words “get out”. We followed those directions. We walked and saw this beautiful pond with swans in it. As we were walking back, we had to go by the saw mill again and got the same message, “get out”.

As we approached the tool supply building, the word “hammer” came up.

As we approached where the barracks were located, the word “war” appeared.

When we were at the infirmary (no words were said about what we were looking at) the word “doctor” appeared.

As we stood on the slab of the litrine, the word “Angela” came up. We giggled and imagined that Angela was the town hooker back in the day. Poor Angela.

As we chatted about our dad’s being in Vietnam war, “rest in peace” came up. This one gave up goosebumps as both our dad’s have passed.

There we a lot of instances where it was pretty intelligent. Whether true or not, it made it pretty exciting. A lot of “wow!” Moments.

We also saw and smelled some wisteria trees. Wow! I need these in my yard. I took some seeds to see if I can grow one.

The rest of the day revolves around walking the dog’s, visiting, eating and the occasional adult beverage. It was a fun and delightful day. The gift of laughter is priceless.

Camping really brings people together. ❤️


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