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 When I got home I asked the kids what they had done all weekend. Avery had worked on Saturday and volunteered to clean up the school grounds with some people in her club at school.

Ethan spent half the day yesterday at Cars and Coffee, put on by The Little Speed Shop. He also did more work on his car. 

Today he worked on his car, then went to a friends house. He needs his friends more than ever to carry him through. 

Tomorrow is the start of Ethan’s summer semester. He has a 5 semester major. He was bummed that he didn’t have any classes on campus to meet new people. He will have this in the fall, so that’s good.

Paul and I got home from camping and caught up in our weekend chores. I was distracted from my chores because I had so many damn bug bites that are itchy. I even used bug spray with deet and they still enjoyed several meals of my delicious blood. 

The sun was welcomed today. Such a pretty day.
