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I am excited for this weekend. There is a group of us (minus a few đŸ˜¢) that are going up to our College for Alumni weekend. I haven’t seen many of them since 2019 or maybe even before. I am looking forward to laughing and having fun.

Today Avery sent me a screenshot of a letter she received from the Rochester section of the Chemical Society saying she is receiving an award for being in the top 10% of Chemistry students in a 6 county area. WOW! This is my bright spot. This one may glow on for a while as my bright spot. This confirms she has all the “elements” to be a success. Her basic classes days “argon”. She keeps her “ion” the prize. Yes. I think I am funny.

I am still a member of the pediatric heart transplant group. There was a mom today that has an 11 year old son on ECMO. I reached out to her to offer hope and invite her to vent, share her worries and be a support. 

Today as I was monitoring a patient under anesthesia, I kept having flashbacks from when Ethan was in the hospital. The beeping of the anesthesia machine really bothers me. Today I had a patient with an arrhythmia. The pattern of the arrhythmia tickled my brain and I was remembering the moments leading up to and when they shocked Ethan awake. I remembered how his body was flailing in the air from the jolt of electrical current to regulate his heart. 

Some days my chest gets tight. There is a physical reaction. I get grumpy and have trouble concentrating. Other days I am fine. It is so weird to experience. Today wasn’t that good of a day. I had the tight chest and kept taking deep breaths and doing box breathing exercises. It’s all part of the trauma. Just working through it.


  1. đŸ’“breathing is good. Good days are sure to eventually out number the bad You need to heal too.

  2. What a journey you share with Moms ! I ‘m sure it means a lot to
    Them and makes you feel good
    Knowing you’re helping them !
    Your nature is a caring, loving person
    We’re proud of you Patti ❤️


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