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 A new day, a new attitude. Ethan was so much more pleasant to be around. I know he is trying to work on liking himself. I keep telling him that he has to love  himself.

This morning was spent navigating Medicare crap. I spent 30 minutes on hold to be told that I am not an authorized person on the account. But I am. We have the paperwork Ethan signed. So now he has to call and add me as an authorized person to talk to. Nothing was accomplished on that one. 

I transferred money in an app from Ethan’s 529 plan to my bank account last week. Except the money never transferred. I spent 20 minutes on hold and then got transferred to another department….on hold for another 20 minutes…..I just want to know where the money is……..finally I get to talk to an agent. The agent told me I can’t transfer money in the app……I need to use a desk top….but it allows you to go through the motions of transferring the money complete with a submit button on your phone……but will never transfer…. Seems efficient.

I rescheduled an appointment next week for Ethan. I set up an appointment with a medium in September…for Ethan in hopes to communicate with Colie. Sounds hokey but I just watched a video about how the heart’s electricity transfers sometimes in transplant patients and the recipient takes on the donor’s qualities.

Had to communicate via email with the heart transplant team to negotiate some rejected insurance bills. Also, communicate with the insurance liaison about the accounts (we have it down to 11) sent to collections.

Pretty much the entire morning was spent on email or the phone. Everybody wants to verify name, address, social security number, ugh!!!!

The bright side of all that nonsense? Ethan’s new attitude. He hugged Paul this morning. It warmed my heart. I hope he keeps up the momentum.


  1. 🤗❤️ the last update if my favorite of this day. hugs go a long way for healing too - mind, body, and soul - for Ethan and Paul. ❤️

  2. I am SO happy to hear this update. My heart is breaking (but in a totally good way). xoxo

  3. My girlfriend has a medium in Buffalo that is very good. I can get her name for you if you want it. It is very hard to find a good one.


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