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My whole body is sore. Yoga just doesn’t seem to help as much as I would like. Hi hum.

Avery had a delightful day of helping her boss go to a donkey farm to pick out a donkey. I enjoyed listening about it. I want to go to a donkey farm.

I went out for a drink with a friend. It is nice to just talk freely without judgement. Sometimes my talking “freely” isn’t so kind. I am glad I was able to have a venting session. They are productive. Venting sessions offer a level of therapy you couldn’t pay enough for.

Tomorrow I am looking forward to dinner with a great friend. Afterwards, Ethan reminded me that he needs a haircut. I will put on my barber hat and trim all his hairs. I am a mediocre hair dresser. It works for us both though.

I am another day closer to the weekend. Yes! I am looking forward to it.
