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 Today we went on my uncle’s boat. Phineas swam for hours. Not bad for 13. He is swimming himself alive forever (hopefully) with all this non-weight bearing exercise. It’s so good for his joints. He missed all of his early, mid and late morning naps as well as his early and mid-afternoon naps. He FINALLY was tired when we got off the boat.

Phineas had a big job. He had to not only keep everyone safe on the boat, but he also had to keep an eye on Paul because he was on the jetski. Good ole Phineas, always protecting our family.

Jiminy went on the boat too. He experienced floating in the lake with a pool noodle as well as his shark life jacket. His head weighs a lot and makes him sink, so we had to prop him up in the front.

We had fun floating, swimming and chatting in the lake. My skin was warm from the glow of the sun. We had a fun campfire with lots of laughing and some over-sharing. Hilarious.

We said our good nights and retired to our respective campers. Our camper was blessed with a farting dog. P.U.

Phineas must have had too much lake water. His butt was rancid. Tomorrow we will hopefully have a repeat.
