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Day 1: New Job

I put some chili ingredients in the crockpot. What? The family is getting a warm meal tonight. 😊

My day started with a meeting. It was a great meeting. My new team mates introduced themselves and I introduced myself to them.

I spent the day learning the ropes. Some of the apps I was supposed to have access to, I didn’t. So there was a little bit of a hurdle there.

I was paired with one of my co-workers today who was super friendly, and helpful. My other coworker was Jiminy. My new team encourages having pets surround you at all times. These are my kind of people.

Jiminy helped by napping on my lap for hours. He loved it. So did I.

After work I was able to go get groceries and then go out to dinner with a good friend.

When I returned home, Avery and I entertained the dogs until I went to bed, because I am more of an early bird than a night owl.


  1. Congrats on your first day! It sounded lovely. A new work chapter begins. xoxo


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