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Day 2 of my new job: Jiminy is absolutely smitten with this arrangement. He cuddles all day on my lap, snuggled under my shirt. He snores, snorts and sighs. What a life.

All of my new team has been bending over backwards to help me. I got to shadow a few calls today and make some templates that will help me in the future with efficiency. Templates are my jam. I feel like they expect me to be overwhelmed, but I don’t feel that way at all.

Before work started today I was able to give Jiminy a bath, clip all 4 dogs toenails, run a load of dishes, 2 loads of laundry, prepare 6 stuffed peppers for dinner, straightened up the house a bit and then log into my email.

This is so foreign to me. I know it will change. I am used to getting up between 4:45 and 5 am, being to work by 6 am and working until 5 or so in the evening. I would come home and be physically exhausted and hurt. I feel like a more real human being because I have a bit more energy than I did. I have been able to “sleep in” until 5:30 when Paul’s alarm goes off.

I am able to chat with both Paul and Avery before they leave (normally I am gone before they are up). I was home all day with Ethan today. Of course he is a teen and I am stupid and he doesn’t really talk to me. He also has told me I just don’t understand his personality. Insert eyeroll. 

Avery continues to plug away at juggling a rigorous senior year, filled with AP classes, working and juggling all her college stuff. She is nothing less than amazing.

So far I am pleased with how things are going.


  1. this is amazing! and the way life should be - an excellent balance of life and work. It makes us productive people all around.

  2. Woo hoo! You deserve all of these lovely changes (except for the teen-itude). Not cool. xoxo


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