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I asked Ethan and Avery one time to unload the dishwasher. They both did it without a second reminder. I feel like I won the lottery. 

Avery had a doctors appointment today for her sore feet. Scoliosis has not been kind to her. When she stands too long or walks a long way, she developed foot pain. We went to see the podiatrist for an opinion. He is sending us to have inserts made for her. I am hoping that offers her more comfort for her little feet.

Avery and I ran errands after work. As we exited a store, it was as if Mother Earth painted us a picture in the sky, as the sun was setting. Beautiful pinks, oranges and yellows were swirled in against the growing darkness. 

I am glad it is Friday. My brain needs a break from learning.

Our town is having it’s annual Apple Fest. It’s a big deal around here. I am feeling guilty because I don’t want to go. There will be far too many people. Any one person could have the Covid….and share it. I just don’t want to bring home anyone’s funk.
