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 More coordinating for Ethan’s appointment next week. I emailed the doctor regarding Ethan’s dose of rejection medication. She got back to me and requested that Ethan get his blood drawn this weekend.

I do know she is a very busy woman with lots of kids to keep track of. I asked her if it was something that could wait a few extra days until next Wednesday. I told her he likely would have other labs done and I would prefer him to just get one poke. Luckily, he is allowed to wait. Phew!

I am getting the hang of the work from home thing. I am developing a routine and being kind to myself, scheduling appropriate time to check emails, source etc. each week I learn a bit more and am able to be more valuable to the team.

To be a good boss, partner, friend, etc….you just need to show appreciation for said person’s contributions. A valued person, is loyal and yields above the standard capabilities. Once someone feels undervalued… turns into a shit show and can go down hill quickly. So far on this team, I have felt valued and appreciated. It’s a total win.

We said goodbye to camping season this past weekend. We will reconvene in May. It is sad to see it go. Now the winterizing starts. Apparently Paul started to winterize our camper. In the process a “drop” of sewage came out of the pipe and Phineas was eating it. I was so grossed out.  So gross!


  1. oh no! not again - LOL - we were just revisiting some of the other past "drops" at the campfire on Sunday evening. Phineas! Ugh!

  2. I'm just catching up on your week.... some ups and downs, huh? Wishing everything goes smoothly this week. It sounds like you are enjoying your new job. I am so happy for you! xoxo

  3. Why do some dogs eat such disgusting things? Hideous.....

  4. Haha, dogs! Thrilled you're enjoying the new job!


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