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 Ethan’s cardiologist wanted to talk to him and follow up with him after his appointment that got cut short due to his desire to just get out of NYC last week.

I gave Ethan the number to call. He refused. I tried begging, convincing more begging…I tried more convincing later….and still I was met with anger and refusal.

Defeated, I just accepted that he wasn’t going to call. I know they wanted to discuss a medication change, that will require Ethan to get frequent blood draws for the first several weeks.

Ugh! Now what? He won’t make a phone call. How can I convince him to agree to the medication change without completely alienating him?

Later this evening, he texted me to ask the name of the lady he is supposed to ask for. I told him. He then texted me that he wasn’t able to get through. It was after hours. So hopefully he tries again tomorrow. Sigh.

The weather was excellent today. This tree from our front yard is confused. It doesn’t know what color it wants to be.


  1. the tree is color fluid.
    and Ethan came around! he will try again today.

  2., so frustrating..... but... there was an attempt to call. Good first step..... keep swimming, keep swimming, keep swimming.... xoxo


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