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My big dilemma today was trying to figure out how I am going to make “petals” stand up on a headband. I have to show up to my virtual meeting on Friday in costume. I thought that was a fun way to bond with new co-workers. I have decided to be a flower. I will wear a headband with petals. Jiminy is going to be in a bee costume. 

As far as I know, Ethan didn’t make the call today. He told me he wasn’t going to this morning, because he was working all day.

I then saw in my calendar that he has a “wellness” exam at the pediatrician’s office on Friday. I am going to cancel it. We made it a year ago. He has had so many sets of eyes and so much bloodwork….I am certain he will be ok. I am also certain if I tell him about the appointment he will get VERY agitated. It is not worth the fight. I will save the fight for bigger appointments.

A few friends stopped by for a quick visit this afternoon, which was nice to visit with them. 

Another bright spot today was that I got to work outside for the majority of the day. I was getting my fresh air therapy in.
