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He called! Woo hoo! He called and spoke to the doctor. He was respectful and they seemed to have a decent conversation. He does NOT want the flu and Covid vaccines. They said that was ok, as long as he knew that it was against the recommendation. They said, he can chose not to have those vaccines because he is in control of what happens to his body. 

I was thankful He talked to the doctor. This was such a win. They also discussed about how they want to change his rejection medication and how it will involve a lot of blood draws. He agreed to it. However, I know this will come with a lot of complaining. I am ok with that. I will politely listen. It’s for the sake of his kidney.

I finished up my costume for tomorrows meeting. I am excited to see everyone else’s costumes. I have a busy day tomorrow on the phone.


  1. what great progress! you've given Ethan the tools to manage his health and been an amazing role model. I am also working on my work mtg/webex teams remote costume. It's pretty funny. I'm a farmer. I'm also excited to see the others' costumes. My teams are primarily in India, so I'm interested in seeing what they will choose. Have fun at your party! TGIF!

  2. OMG.... I am SO happy for you and Ethan. He did it! That's an incredible step!!! Things are looking brighter. Can't wait to see you second costume. Mine will be ready for our local Trunk or Treat event tomorrow.


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