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 We had dinner at Nana and Papa’s . Ethan chose not to go. We were all bummed. He made his choice. Paul thought we should “make” him go. I mean that is a hard call. If he were away at college we wouldn’t do that. Also, as he transitions into adulthood, he should be able to make his own choices. Pick your battles wisely. 

Was it the right thing to do? Who knows. I wish he liked us more and wanted to be around us. Oddly enough, he spent a small amount of time with Paul, Avery and I this morning as we congregated on the couch in the living room. We had mindless conversation with sarcastic comments that were said with the hopes of making someone laugh. I like those moments. It was like 10 minutes of normal. This was my gift today.

Paul and I spent time out in the yard trying to prep for winter as well as get rid of all the leaves. I thought about the past couple of years and how I wasn’t able to do the work I did today.  Prepping for a move in 2020 and dialysis in 2021 were both time consuming in their own way. As the sun was warming my skin, I thought about how grateful I was to be cleaning out my flower beds.

Avery went to work. She has been working so much. She is also taking hard classes and involved with clubs. She wanted to go to Nama and Papas. She thrives on family time. She wasn’t going to be able to come because she had homework as well as her Halloween costume to make for her Senior parade. She wanted to go so bad, she got out of work early and brought all her work with her.

She fell asleep on the car ride over. Passed right out. I was asking her questions and she didn’t answer.

She completed her costume and homework and got in some nana and papa time too. We had a wonderful meal, of course, and great conversation. 

I love that the weather is still nice.
