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I know of two people that very recently suffered from their loved one taking their own life. Both people that passed were parents of minors. I am so saddened by this. Part of me feels angry towards these people. How could they do this to their family and especially their children? Part of me feels they were selfish. Then the other part of me realizes that it was the result of an illness.

The part of me that realizes that suicide is the result of an illness feels horrible. These are people that thought the only way to stop feeling so incredibly sad, worthless etc….was death. Imagine being so ill that when you see your kids faces, you still choose death….because the pain of living is so bad.

I had a general blah day with the terrible news. Luckily I was able to get out in the sun, with the dogs and clear my head. I was done working at 3:00. It was wonderful. 

When you look around to the people that surround you with love, be thankful that you have them with you. Someone out there is missing their loved one. If you or someone you know wants to harm themself, call 988.


  1. It will be a long hard road for those kids. They will need many loving friends and family to help them continue to grow and learn to deal with that part of their life. It can be done, I promise.

  2. It is so sad. I get the anger. You point out the other perspective and I love that. Thank you~


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