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 We camped over the weekend and had terrible service at best. Camping was fun. Everyone got an ample amount of exercise. 

I love that Avery still enjoys camping with Paul and I. She pretends she is an only child. We dote on her and she helps us a lot by cooking breakfast. Yum!

Today we watched the Bills game. The entire campground was watching the Bills game. There were only one or two stealers fans. I felt sorry for them. I could give a crap who wins. I hang out for the food and cheer for whomever my friends cheer for.

It was so fun to hear the Bills make a touchdown and the cheers throughout the entire campground were CRAZY! It was like a wave that spread. There was whooping, hooting, cheering and just plain noises of celebration.

The dogs and the rabbit also had fun. They enjoyed fresh air but also being warm in the camper. Phineas and Jiminy are the master smugglers in the cold.

Avery and I arrived home at around 7 pm. As anticipated, the phone reception at the campground was awful. Avery drove home so I can work in the morning. Responsibilities….sometimes adulting sucks.
