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What a gorgeous day. I walked the dogs multiple times. The sun was massaging us as we walked around the field. I may have done more walking and less working.

Ethan had to go back to the lab. He is now officially being weaned over to the other blood thinner. Hopefully this new medication won’t screw up his cbc. To do so, he has to go off blood thinners all together until the 15 th. My fingers are crossed.

I had a meeting with my big boss today. She is quite pleased with my progress at work. I am still learning but I have got a good feel for what I am supposed to doing combined with a strong work ethic. I am efficient which means I have more time for dog walks on a warm and sunny day.

I spent some time on the phone with the hospital about another bill. Turns out, Ethan has several accounts. Why? No idea.  So I had the lady comb through Ethan’s chart to find his previous insurance and resubmit it. I am getting this down a bit better. At least they didn’t make Ethan get on the phone. I am still not sure how many accounts Ethan has, and why he has more than one.
