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Stupid Daylight savings! I am waking up at 4:00 am… for the day. Ugh! Then come 8 pm I can’t keep my eyes open. I guess if that is the worst of my problems…that isn’t so bad.

Paul and Ethan have been working together to solve our garage problem. All of Ethan’s projects are in the garage and we have no place to put wood. We primarily hear our house with a wood burning stove. Normally we start (I say we but really just Paul) stacking wood in October. Currently we have none in the garage.

Ethan wanted a shed. He didn’t really act fast enough to make that happen. Our next idea was a portable garage. Ethan didn’t like that because he felt he was wasting his money. Paul came up with the smart idea of getting a trailer. Ethan is a saver. He has the money for a trailer and it is portable. When he leaves home he can use it.

Last night I heard the words “Dad, what do you think about” ….and there were words after that. I didn’t pay attention to those words. My inner self lit up. Oh my gosh, he just asked for Paul’s opinion. Wow! There is a glimmer of hope.

Ethan also has spent the last two nights quietly in the living room as Paul, Avery and I were also in the living room. This is huge. We rarely see him because he avoids us.

He didn’t say anything, which is ok. He was present. Just listening. We didn’t have the tv on. We were all doing our own thing on our phones with light chatter. We were also commenting on the silliness of the dogs. Ferguson is so grouchy. He wants to play but Penny always crosses the line and pisses him off. He makes these demon noises that sound terrifying, then he coughs or does something old man like and discredits his toughness. We then laugh at him and he goes and pouts in his crate for a few minutes before starting the entire process over again.

Today Avery and I spent the day together. We then had dinner and went and played cards. It was fun. A nice way to spend a weekend day.


  1. Weekends are the best.
    Just now I stumbled across information regarding Brene Brown's newest book, "Atlas of the Heart. " She is an amazing person and I wonder if this book would be useful for you rebuilding your relationships with Ethan. I'm sure you're all still dealing with a lot of trauma and it sounds so frustrating that you can't get the appointment to family therapy that you're trying to get.
    I hope you all had a good rest of the weekend!

  2. I will have to check that book out. Thank you for the suggestion. We have definitely been learning about dealing with trauma. Some days have really sucked. Some days are a beautiful reward and help to cancel out the terrible ones. It’s a rollercoaster like no other. I should probably approach six flags and see if they want to build the most fierce rollercoaster ever called “Emotional Baggage”. Ha!


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