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 Today was normal. Paul had bowling this evening. He was bowling my uncle’s team and my cousin’s girlfriend was bowling right next to them. Occasionally I will go and watch. “Watching” really envolves getting an adult beverage and chatting with people. 

I butterflied around, chatting with the different people which is a big deal for me. Bowling alley’s are interesting. There is a certain amount of ridicule that is expected from other teammates. In addition to the bowling league, there is a dart league. There are so many people that are having fun there.

I have fun in a different way. I totally enjoyed the hour I was there, but happy to leave after that hour. Not because I didn’t enjoy the company, but because it is loud, with all sorts of noises and smells.after about an hour, my tolerance dwindles. I left before that happened and was so pleased about how my evening turned out.

The dogs are loving the round the clock fireplace.
