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Paul was a work horse today. He finally was able to start loading wood in the garage. He cleaned up leaves. He prepared the yard for snow. This is why I keep him around.

I started getting ready for thanksgiving. I had to cook bacon for one of the dishes I am preparing. We rarely eat bacon. I showed Avery how much grease comes off of bacon after it is cooked and she almost puked.

Avery and I started running errands. One place we had to go was Walmart. As soon as I pulled into the parking lot I was immediately regretting my decision. People were driving like idiots. 

I thought of the news recently in the past week. There was a young guy that was struck by a car locally, that didn’t survive. So many people are hustling and bustling around, living in their own, reckless world. Anytime of year is hard to lose someone, but so close to the holidays is especially terrible.

Avery and I took our lives into our hands just navigating through the parking lot to get to the store. I told her it was only going to get worse the closer we get to Christmas. Stay patient, alert and calm-ish. I do come up with some colorful language for people when I am driving. 

Once inside the store my anxiety level was above “high”. It was wall to wall carts. People pushing their carts around like it is a bulldozer. We were in there for less than 5 minutes. We walked out with the essentials, beer and shampoo, which is what we went for.

We went to a different store. The parking lot there was a disaster. Some lady didn’t see her stop sign and almost ran right into my car. What a nightmare. 

I vowed to stay mostly home for the rest of the weekend. It is safer that way.

Be safe. Don’t get sucked into the negative crazy of people. That way you can spend the holidays with your family instead of injured or worse. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


  1. I'm so very sorry to hear about the young guy's death. That is just awful. Big box store parking lots are always insane and I feel so lucky when I make it out of there without any issues. On other news... you don't like bacon? What? We adore bacon in our house. Yes, the grease is gross, but it's oh so good.


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