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This picture is from a few weeks ago. Look at Ethan flying on that thing.

I wished Ethan a happy heart day this morning. He didn’t seem that impressed. I know he wants to forget about medical issues and just get on with his life. We went through a big deal. We still are. Today I had to file paperwork from SSI as well as call the hospital for yet another account that Ethan has, that needed to be resubmitted to insurance from just about 2 years ago.

I also finally got the name of a family counselor and made an appointment to go. Ethan has already said he doesn’t want to “waste” his time with another appointment. Who knows, maybe he will go at some point. Either way, I think it will be good for the rest of us.

I have been thinking about the donor family non-stop today. I can’t stop putting myself in their shoes.

I was happy to see that Ethan made some plans this evening and went out. I hope he has fun and stays safe. It’s weird when I see him do normal stuff. I like that for him.

I finally decided I have had enough of my back pain. When I stand up sometimes my feet go numb or I get the pins and needles sensation in my feet and legs. I guess that is probably not good and my exercises and stretches aren’t helping. 

I called the spine center for an appointment. The lady said she would give me her soonest available appointment. Wow! I felt special. Normally you have to wait a couple weeks. She then said the date of her soonest available appointment, February 15 th. Eye roll. Good thing I am pretty tough. I am on a cancellation list, which my new job is PERFECT for. I could be paralyzed by February 15 th….I have decided that if I get a wheel chair, I will make a special spot for Jiminy to ride along with me.

Avery has a doctor’s appointment in the morning, so we will get that out of the way. We are having our first Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night. The next few days will be fun and I am looking forward to them.
