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 Today was a travel day. Ethan had to go to the lab this morning, so I went with him. We left at 7:45. I got all the way there and realized I had forgotten his lab orders. No problem, it’s only a 15 minute drive. Drive 15 minutes home, 15 minutes back and then check in. 

I had to leave for the airport at 10:00. Well…we finished up at the lab and I dropped Ethan off and grabbed my bag. It was 10:15 when I left. Ugh! I made it on time though.

Ethan had an 11:00 televisit with his nephrologist and said it went “good”. One word. It was the right word.

I like being the last person on the plane anyway.

I took my seat right in front of the mom with the two young kids. For the most part, the kids were screaming and crying for 75% of the trip. It came complete with seat kicking which was awesome, because my tingling leg loved it. The last 25 % was snoring from the one little girl. She was a beast. She sounded like an adult man snoring.

I felt sorry for the mom though. I would have been beyond stressed in that situation. 

I switched planes and got on the next one. I squeezed (almost needed to use butter) next to a large man on one side and the bathroom on the other. Ew! I was going to be so mad if someone had to do a number 2 with me sitting there. Luck was on my side today and it did not happen.

I met my co-worker and we went to dinner. She is very nice and we had a good time. I then came back to my room, did a little bit of work and called it a day. I made it until 9pm before nodding off.


  1. try to get some vit D time while down there 🌞
    so good for the soul


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