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One year ago on this day, my beautiful kidney was nestled into it’s new home. It made itself comfortable there and is just being a little busy bee for Ethan. 

My coworker and I had a great time getting to know one another, which isn’t really my cup of tea, but we really hit it off. 

We drove an hour and 20 minutes to pick up lunch for the students and then another 20 minutes for the college.

We drove around campus clumsily looking for the correct building. We saw this older guy that looked a bit sheriff-y. He gave us some pretty vague instructions to get to the desired building. I am pretty sure I became dumber after that conversation.

My 6 month pregnant coworker waddled her cute, small pregnant body into a building to ask where to go. We finally found it and carried in all the lunch items we brought.

The students grabbed their lunches and sat back to watch our “show”. My coworker introduced us and she was so nervous. She sounded great and did a good job. My turn.

I started my portion out with “I am socially awkward and I apologize in advance.” My portion was practiced enough that it just rolled off the tongue. I had fun and engaging pictures and added some comedic flair that even involved a bit of pretend tap dancing. No joke. Hey…they were warned….I even managed to worked in the phrase “I know this may be hard to believe, but I am over 21 and can legally have alcoholic beverages.” Don’t worry, it did pertain to my point.

Then my coworker presented her portion. And she did great. We filled the hour effortlessly. At the end we had some student engagement with questions.

We left and drove to get lunch for ourselves. I had a margarita. My coworker chose water because I guess it is irresponsible to have alcohol when you are pregnant.

By the time we were done with lunch, our campus engagement specialist had messaged our group chat a screen shot of wonderful feedback from campus. Score! They also invited us back for a job fair. Cool.

I got a notification that my flight was cancelled and I was going to be out on the next flight….which left 12 hours later. Nope!

I scrambled, made some decisions, made some calls and was able to hop on a different flight so that I could arrive home this evening-ish.

Some smiles and pretty pleases later, I had a flight. I had to fly a little around my ass to get to the hole in the middle, but the new flight got me in about an hour or so later than originally scheduled. Sounds good to me.

Small bump in the road, but a do-able bump.


  1. phew! at least not a planes, trains, and automobiles scenario!
    And awesome job with the fair! Welcome home!

  2. Congratulations on your first year anniversary with one kidney. Just look how beautiful your other kidney was. Lucky Ethan! I know you rocked that presentation! Congrats on that too. xoxo


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