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I read this today. Holy crap. I have been the person silently pissed about people complaining about things that I would consider trivial. But that is the point I WOULD CONSIDER TRIVIAL. That doesn’t mean they ARE trivial to the person experiencing the struggle. What a good lesson to remember. 

I think we have probably all been guilty of this. I will likely be guilty of it again. But it is a good reminder to reset my thinking.

I have really felt a calling lately. It’s been nagging me and nagging me. I have been compelled to make an appointment to go donate blood. I am going Wednesday Evening. I am kind of excited as I have not donated blood before. My fear is that I will feel too tired afterward. A small price to pay for helping. I know there is a shortage going on. Many someones donated to help Ethan. In fact, Ethan helped contribute to that shortage with his many transfusions received.

I am interested in donating plasma too. We will see how this goes. I don’t like to actively participate in charity work. I like to silently help by donating to the clothing closet, food shelf, dog shelter, kidney etc….now blood. It’s not perfect, but it is my introverted way of helping and caring.

I talked to Ethan today. I showed him the book I was reading and told him I was trying to be more of an active listener when he talked. We had a good little chat. It only lasted for about 7-10 minutes. It was soooooi worth it.

I can’t wait to get this week over with. I have an appointment on Friday I want to go to the doctor on Friday and try to elevate resolving my sciatica. I need the help. I am mostly laying flat for relief. Constantly stretching and bending. 

Then it will be Christmas. 


  1. What amazing inspiration you give! You could definitely be a motivational speaker. I would totally attend your sessions. In fact, I know they would be funny and I would pay good money to attend them. I hope you get some relief soon from your back issues. It sounds horrible and I don't like that you're in pain. That's the LAST thing you need to deal with. xoxo

  2. Thank you Melissa. That is so nice.


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