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 Today sucked. I was not the boss of my pain. I drove Paul to the car dealership to pick up his work vehicle. I had to pull over and lay down on the way home to get relief. It was a 20 minute drive.

I became nauseous and vomited a few times throughout the day. I did read this is a symptom of sciatica pain.

I struggled through work all while calling around to emergency rooms and urgent care trying to find out if they had someone on staff to do cortisone injections. I called the spine center and doctors office again, but no one had any real suggestions besides go to the emergency room. The smallest wait time was an estimated 8 hours. I can’t be at all vertical so that was not going to happen. I even entertained the idea of calling an ambulance so I could at least be laying down.

Short of driving my car into a wall, I am struggling big time. I have a doctors appointment in the morning. I am feeling drained, self pity and my stomach is still not happy.

Each passing minute felt like an eternity of throbbing, stabbing, pins and needles tornado in my left leg. I was cold all day too. I don’t like being cold.

I do have to find a bright side. Right now it is my heating pad. Also Avery has been quite helpful. Thank goodness she was there to bring me a garbage can or we would have a very yucky rug right now.
