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I did a lot of stretching today to try and get relief from this sciatic nerve pain. Ugh! Act like I have ants in my pants and I try to find a somewhat comfortable position. 

I am doing my stretches, my strength training, my walking exercise because I am NOT a jogger.

Ethan fell asleep early evening. He had a therapy session and I think he gets drained from them.

At work I get to be part of a group of people that is heading up a big game of Vet Tech Trivia. First prize is $500. It’s serious. We did a practice run today. We have to iron out the kinks and look for spelling errors. It is quite an operation. I look forward to it.

Avery and I watched a few more episodes of Handmaid’s tale. Every episode leaves me furious, intrigued and rooting for the under dog. Avery and I also like to discuss how the characters are changing and evaluate the story. I totally enjoy it. This was my gift today.
