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Paul got home from work today and tossed a package my way. I looked at it trying to remember what it was that I ordered from Amazon in the last 1-2 days. Nothing clicked in my  rain.

I opened the package and inside was another package that was clear, with what looked like a freeze dried pillow or stuffed animal compressed inside, with two black eyes staring back at me.

“What the hell is this?” I wondered out loud.

I tried to open it with my hands but the plastic freeze dried package was sealed tight with pressure. I had to cut it open carefully so I didn’t damage the contents on the inside.

As soon as there was a perforation in the bag, the object began to take shape. It was really soft. I removed it all together from the packaging and realized it was a plush penis, with eyes. It was cute. I was laughing at the idea someone would have taken the time out of their day, to think of me long enough to order and ship me such an exotic gift.

I knew at this point that one of my friends had sent this to me and began to laugh. I had quickly orchestrated a list of a few select people. The list quickly branched out from there. My list kept growing and I was so touched that. Thank you I have enough dirty minded friends. Wow!

My penis plush and I cuddled on the couch and watch tv together. The identity of the mysterious boner bandit sender was eventually discovered.

My favorite part of the day was smiling ear to ear because someone was thinking about sharing a laugh with me with such a thoughtful gesture. 

My penis pal and I may be inseparable from now on. I still haven’t matured past the 7 th grade and still giggle at genitalia. I promise to give this little guy a good home. I hope you shared a smile with someone today. Laughing is good for the soul.


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