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Avery has made her final decision and will be attending SUNY Brockport. She applied for Honor’s College which will make her eligible for the Prometheus Scholarship. This is for first year students and awards $6,000 to be used towards her housing. It is renewable all 4 years she will be there as long as she lives on campus. Woo hoo!!!!

Brockport is the college her Great Grandma, her grandma’s on both sides and her grandpa went. Now she is going.

Avery has done quite well financially planning on how to get the most bang for her buck with her 529 plan. She is looking at local scholarships to apply for.

I almost made it through another week completely flat. Thankfully I was busy at work. I have fulfilled my hiring quota for the month with my hires. My territory will be changing soon….again. That makes it difficult because I have established relationships with clinic managers. I really like them too. I am embarrassed to say that I had to learn where my central territories are. I am not great at geography.  I excel at other things. But now I know on the map about where Iowa is.

Ethan spent time banging around in the garage. He was chiseling out the tar mat from his car to make it lighter.

I spoke to the PA at the neuro surgeon’s office.  She called in some pain killer’s for after my surgery. She also told me I should be able to walk out 2-4 hours after my surgery is completed. I will be able to sit in the car like a human on my way home. 

My first 3-4 weeks after surgery is NO LIFTING anything more than a milk jug. Ugh! That is going to be hard. No chores. What I am allowed to do is walk, stairs and movement in general. Motion is lotion.

Once I get clearance, I can go back to physical therapy. I have some serious flab toning to do. I need to get bikini ready. Ha! Who am I kidding.

 I just don’t care anymore. I wore a bikini a couple times last summer dimples and flab exposed. I had fun too while doing it too. I figure if I can survive what we did the last 2 years I should get to have fun at the lake. Besides, Paul is going to remember jet skiing to the beach, having a beer and cruising around. He isn’t going to remember what I wore. 

Jiminy decided that he was going to snuggle with me tonight. What a silly little guy. With the entire house, this is the spot he chose….and put his teeny, tiny, tushie right in my face.


  1. Great decision, Avery! And you can say you went to the University of Brockport now!

    Jiminy's tushie is cute :🙂
    Hang in there, Patti - just another week to go.❤️

  2. Congratulations Avery! That is so exciting! As for you, hopefully no stank came out of Jiminy while laying on you. You can't move fast. That wouldn't be right. Just think... you'll be able to sit and walk again next week! Getting closer.... you can do it!!

  3. Looking forward to you being mobile!


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