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I read the news this morning. A local man was caught cyberstalking a local woman. He bullied her with nude photos that he sent to her family, place of employment and friends. People are absolutely crazy. 

It made me thankful that I have a small bubble. It also leaves me with question of why? Why would someone do this to someone else?  I also thought….who has this much time on their hands to put into sabotaging someone else’s life. What level of hate and mental illness do you have to have?

I thought about all the people I hate. As I thought about it, there really isn’t anyone that I “hate”. I have people that I dislike, or find insignificant, but not hate. I consider that a bright side. I am not saving a space in my heart for that negative energy.

I got my surgery time for tomorrow, 9:45 am. No coffee for me in the morning. Sad face. I will survive if it means I can WALK comfortably tomorrow. Plus I will have narcotics to help with the headache I will likely develop from lack of caffeine.

Another bright side is Jiminy got a new hat/scarf to keep him warm. It is hand made with love for little Jim. He looks so good in it and he will stay warm. 

Can’t wait to start healing. 


  1. Best wishes today for a quick and easy surgery, recovery, walking !! ❤️ And maybe some afternoon caffeination! ☕

  2. The day has finally arrived! I'll be thinking about you and I can't wait for the postop update (once you're feeling better)!

  3. I was the same way! I am so excited for you Patti!


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