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 I had someone say to me “I bet you are glad this year is over. Too bad you are in such bad shape with your back to start the new year.”

As I reflect back on 2022, we did have some trying times. We are continuing to work to be able to support Ethan in the way he needs it and work through his PTSD and healing.

We are grateful for the opportunities that have come our way. Avery exploring colleges, being able to camp without dialysis, my new job and of course little Jiminy.

Yes, my back has not been cooperative. It has been a painful ordeal. I choose to be thankful I was helped by a friend to receive treatment sooner. I consider it a reminder to take care of myself a little better. But this will NOT set the tone for my 2023. 

I am giving my Hell the double middle finger and going out this evening, flat. I will lay flat and enjoy a different ceiling for a while tonight. I will also go and celebrate Christmas tomorrow with my in-laws. Flat….but I will do it. I am going to have fun and share laughs both days. Take that Hell.

3 more days until a plan is in place to get over this bump in the road. Then I can continue to move forward and enjoy my 2023.

Today I was able to hobble to the bathroom and kitchen, without a walker! I also stood in the shower the entire time. It was a quick shower, but I didn’t have to lay down. I promptly hobble to my room and laid down to dry off. It was exhausting. Woo hoo! It’s Progress! 

My goals for 2023 are to take better care of myself, continue to spread kindness and donate blood every 2 months-ish. I want to continue to support my community in small ways that I can. I also would like to add another trip to my year to take something off my bucket list. 

I want to continue to grow within my new position and dominate it. I also would like to share a smile daily with someone. I have a goal to NOT GET ANY MORE PETS! This last one is iffy and may be the hardest. Ha!


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