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 Day 4 after surgery-while I was still sore this morning, I decided to skip the pain medication. It wasn’t awful. I still have to go slow from sitting to standing, but I am able to move around and do things. 

I got up, let the dogs out then fell back asleep for another couple hours. This is unheard of so I must have needed the rest. Right now, if I am tired, I nap. I am trying to take it slow and steady. I find I can kick ass better if I am slow and steady.

Paul still has to put my socks on for me. I can’t quite bend that far. I try every day but today just was not the day I could put my own socks on. Maybe tomorrow?

I really have done exactly what the doctor has ordered….no chores. I start back to work tomorrow morning. The doctor said wait 6 weeks….but I think 5 days is long enough. I also might lose my mind if I don’t have something to entertain my brain with. 

I did schedule multiple breaks throughout the day tomorrow and for the rest of the week so I don’t over do it. Keep moving forward right?

I have watched a bit of bad reality TV which is fun. Some of the people are laughable. Avery and I started watching the “documentary” on Elizabeth Holmes called The Dropout. So far it is pretty amazing how she was able to commit so much fraud.

My bright spot was my mom coming over to babysit me and help out if I needed it while I was home by myself.  I am finding that I feel more capable with each day that passes. Every day leads to more freedom from my back.


  1. keep staying slow - and steady - but as someone noted yesterday, do be kind to yourself. And take more days off if needed. Your body is telling you to rest and heal. Your mind is probably telling you to keep on moving! It's not easy, but please take time to take care of you ❤️

  2. ok so what part of following the doctors orders?? 5 days??LOLOL hope you continue to heal quickly my friend~


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