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I made out well sleeping in my own bed last night. I woke up even less sore today than yesterday. I am finding I can reposition myself without significant pain. This is great!  I still can’t sleep on my side, but baby steps. Tomorrow I can work on removing the steri strips from my incision.

Today I alternated working laying down and sitting. I also got up and walked around a little more. My legs feel so heavy. It’s like I have cinderblocks on my feet. I have to consciously remember not to shuffle around like an old granny.

I am afraid of slipping or falling. Any sudden movements seem like a terrible situation and I want to avoid that at all costs. Thankfully I don’t have to go outside for anything with it snowing and slushy out. 

The steri strips seem like they are causing a lot of the pulling at my incision. They are supposed to come off then. I will either have to wait until Paul comes home or have one of the kids pull them off. 

I was able to cut Ethan’s hair tonight (which hasn’t been done since Thanksgiving). That is the longest I have stood since before Christmas.

I also did over 1900 steps. I am making slow progress and  reminding my body how not to be a couch potato….but also not doing any chores like I was told. Ethan even swept up his hair after I cut it. 

I had my dad on my mind today. Today is the 28 th anniversary since he passed away.  That seems so crazy. He was 48 or 49 I think. Either way, I am approaching that age quickly. 

I always wonder what it would be like to know my dad as his adult child instead of his teenager. What would he be like in this current culture?

My bright spot was that Avery’s friend and her step dad brought us dinner tonight. It was so thoughtful and delicious. Their kindness warmed my heart. ❤️ 


  1. Mr. Lockner 💜
    He's very proud of you and Brian. I know that.
    Great progress - keep on moving, slowly. I need to add you as my Fitbit Active Health friend and we can encourage each other to move.

  2. Wow. 28 years. I was so lucky to know your dad. You are so like him in so many ways and your dirty sense of humor was most definitely inspired by him. One of the sweetest things I remember about him.... the Starbursts candy at our v-ball games. I agree.... he's absolutely proud of you and Brian. You are making great progress with your healing. It's impressive. Hell has got nothing on you! xoxo


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